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Once Human

Once HumanMade by DevLeon

Interactive map

Release Notes

Tue Jul 23 2024

@Once Human

You can support me (no more ads) and by sharing this project on social media. oncehuman.th.gl

Looking for Contributors This map is not data mined, which means, I need help from the community to add the missing locations. If you like to help out, please send me a DM. I appreciate your help!

Share Map View URL By right-clicking on the map, you can share the current map view. You can add the selected filters, zoom and center (either map center or click position) to the URL. Note, that private filters and drawings are not respected.

Live Share Share your nodes, drawings with your group in real-time! After a group, share the group name with your friends to connect each other. Your selected nodes (My Nodes) and drawings (My Drawings) will be shared, and they will see current changes in real-time (Add Node/Add Drawing). Note, that only the drawings from the group owner are shared. This feature is the first iteration of persistent group nodes/drawings.

Drawings Channel In #drawings upload and share your artwork with the community. Download drawings by clicking the three dots next to the drawing's name. Use the "Add Drawing" dialog to upload your creations.

Thu May 16 2024

@Once Human

You can support me (no more ads) and by sharing this project on social media. oncehuman.th.gl

Icon Size You can customize the icon size in the settings.

More Fixes Fixed "Toggle All" not affecting private nodes and drawings.

Mon Apr 29 2024

@Once Human

You can support me (no more ads) and by sharing this project on social media. oncehuman.th.gl

🎨 Custom Drawings

Unleash your creativity! Customize your map with drawings for routes, zones, and personalized notes.

📍 All Mod Locations

Find all Mod Locations conveniently listed at oncehuman.th.gl/mod-locations.

Wed Apr 24 2024

@Once Human

You can support me (no more ads) and by sharing this project on social media. oncehuman.th.gl

🏡 New Filters

There are two new filters for Green Lake Hill and Silvershore Resort. We didn't add the locations yet, but you can already select them in the Add Node dialog.

📍 Locations in Chalk Peak

We added locations in Chalk Peak, which makes this area nearly complete. Only a few nodes are missing 👍.

📝 Renamed Icon Files

I renamed the icon files, which allows me to easier maintain them. It is possible, that your custom nodes are not displaying an icon anymore, I am sorry for this issue. You can reset them in the settings.