Hero Background

Songs Of Conquest

Songs Of ConquestMade by DevLeon

Database with buildings, factions, units, skills, spells and wielders

Release Notes

Mon May 27 2024

@Songs of Conquest

You can support me (no more ads) and by sharing this project on social media. SoC.TH.GL Overwolf App

Stats in overview pages Instead of the lore texts, you will find stats for the units and artifacts on the overview pages like https://soc.th.gl/factions/Arleon or https://soc.th.gl/artifacts.

Sun May 12 2024

@Songs of Conquest

You can support me (no more ads) and by sharing this project on social media. SoC.TH.GL Overwolf App

Database Update I updated the database to the latest game version, fixed the extractor and opened the source code again: https://github.com/lmachens/soc.th.gl/

Fri Mar 15 2024

@Songs of Conquest

You can support me (no more ads) and by sharing this project on social media. SoC.TH.GL Overwolf App

🛖 Building Requirements You can find the building requirements for the units on https://soc.th.gl/towns/Arleon. Simply click on a unit to see which buildings are required! This feature was developed by the wonderful @ape, good job!

Wed Nov 01 2023

@Songs of Conquest

🚫 No More Ads!

You can now get rid of those pesky ads in the app and on the website by becoming a subscriber. No more interruptions to your gaming experience! Check out the details at https://www.th.gl/support-me.

Sat Aug 05 2023

@Songs of Conquest

You can support me on https://www.patreon.com/devleon or https://github.com/sponsors/lmachens and by sharing this project on social media

Website is updated to v1.8.0

Songs of Conquest v0.86.3 Update

The database has been successfully updated to Songs of Conquest v0.86.3. Notable changes in comparison to version 0.84.7 can be viewed at: https://github.com/lmachens/soc.gg/compare/v1.7.1...v1.8.0