Seekers of Skyveil
Seekers of Skyveil – Made by DevLeon
Interactive map
Release Notes
Fri Aug 02 2024
@Seekers of Skyveil
You can support me (no more ads) and by sharing this project on social media. seekers.th.gl
Shared Filters This is a huge update! You can finally share your nodes and drawings with other players by creating a "Shared Filter"!
1: Add a node or drawing and enter the new filter name. Make sure to select "Add shared...". 2: Copy Shared Code in the menu next to the newly added filter 3: Share it! 4: Other players can add this code by clicking "Add Shared Filter" which is available in the "Add Node/Drawing" dialogs.
Everyone with this code can add, edit and remove nodes and drawings. The other players will automatically see the updated version after reloading the website or by focus it (e.g. change tab or window).
The old nodes and drawings were migrated to the new system.
Please give me feedback for this new feature!
Duplicate/Rename Filters You can duplicate filters by clicking the menu next to it. Copying a shared filter creates a new share code. In the same menu, you can rename the filters.
Whiteboard Share your nodes, drawings with your group in real-time! After a group, share the group name with your friends to connect each other. Your selected nodes and drawings (My Filters) will be shared, and they will see current changes in real-time (Add Node/Add Drawing). Note, that only the drawings from the group owner are shared.
Fixed Polygon The polygon tool didn't work correctly in the drawing mode. This should be fixed.
Looking for Contributors This map is not data mined, which means, I need help from the community to add the missing locations. If you like to help out, please send me a DM. I appreciate your help!

Fri Apr 05 2024
@Seekers of Skyveil I hope you enjoyed the last playtest! Please give me feedback for the map (https://seekers.th.gl) and share your screenshots of items, stats etc.
The map locations are updated.
Thu Apr 04 2024
🔑 Exclusive Playtest Keys Giveaway!
Attention all Seekers! As I gear up for the upcoming playtest of Seekers of Skyveil, I'm excited to announce that I'm giving away 10 exclusive keys to our dedicated community members!
To participate, simply reply to this thread with your enthusiasm for joining the playtest. The first 10 users to respond will receive a key for the upcoming playtest, scheduled from <t:1712275200:F> to <t:1712289600:t>.